Tiger Takes Away a Woman's Handbag in the Zoo - Aurora Cup
Aurora Cup

Tiger Takes Away a Woman’s Handbag in the Zoo

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This is a different incident which happened when a women had been using her shiny brown patent leather bag to attract the tiger to come to her, but a moment came, when she totally lost her gripping on her bag she was holding, and this bag included lots of items like heavy money, credit cards, Keys, and documents.

The tiger started to play with the bag, and tried to retrieve the ideas of playing with the bag. The authorities, which were there tried to reach over the tiger and retrieving the bag from the tiger, but all of their efforts were gone in vein. Beast swam the length of the enclosure and tried hard to get the bag before tiger to take it back to islands, when no one could find the bag there. Shanghai Zoo officials played a very crucial role in order to get back the bag from the tiger, in order to accomplish the mission, the authorities distracted the tiger with food and they made the tiger busy in eating the food and the authorities climbed into the enclosure and picked the chewed bag from the tiger. Women thanked that authorities and this play has picked fame in an international media.